Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Christmas and New Year Promotions
There will be a Christmas Promotion around the Anxiety Bed-Wetting Technique which will be on offer for pennies or even free. Christmas can be anxious for many youngsters, especially if bed wetting already occurs and sleepovers are on the cards, thus the value of this technique at this time of year.
Then, in mid to late January, just in time for the spring exams, there will be a general promotion around one or more of the academic techniques which deal with spelling, tables, mental arithmetic, reading etc. Look out for these bargains because they will only be available for a day or two.
In the meantime have a really HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a GUID NEW YEAR TAE WAN AN AW
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Demonstration of Wholebrain Learning
I'm now available to speak to groups large or small, in your own Home or Hall anywhere in the country, or indeed the world :o) Parents are the real target of course, though as always, professionals are also welcome. How Wholebrain Learning (Accelerated Learning) works and why Left Brain school based learning fails with many young students will be explained and my main Technique, the Internal Eyescan will be demonstrated.
See for yourself if life long spelling failures really can spell PSYCHIATRIST forwards AND backwards in minutes with the Internal Eyescan Technique. Email me for details: info@edinburghtechniques.co.uk and we'll arrange a telephone chat.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Demonstrating my Techniques
Years ago I used to lecture on the subject of Accelerated Learning to parents and professionals. The lectures included me demonstrating my major Learning Technique, The Internal Eyescan, currently the base of two of my new eBooks: Conquer Spelling and Conquer Times Tables.
The Spelling Technique uses the word PSYCHIATRIST as the first one learned. It's also used in the demonstration where I work 'live' with a young student, usually 12/13.
As the student begins to spell Psychiatrist there is absolute silence in the hall, people are literally on the edge of their seats willing the student on. Success sees the Hall erupt with relief as much as congratulations for the student.
'Psychiatrist' is used with all students from 7 to 17 to show them how powerful the technique is but more importantly, to show them how clever they actually are and that normal school words will be simple to learn by comparison.
To boost their confidence and raise their self esteem even further they are asked to spell the word backwards. The audience gasps and now sit right back into their seats so as not to pressure the student. What they don't know is they student finds it EASIER to spell the word backwards than forwards. Huh?
The IES is a Visualisation Technique with Sound backup, and once the word is learned the student pictures it before spelling it, but the picture is laid down from Front to Back so the student is already at the back, making spelling backwards easier and as one 8 year old from St Andrews once said to me " Piece of Cake".
5th TeT eBook nears completion
A fifth eBook is nearing completion. It's a compilation of the other four books plus how to use the Internal Eyescan from Conquer Spelling and Conquer Times Tables for other subjects like learning French Vocabulary, Chemistry Formulae, Algebraic Equations etc.
The front covers are also being change with a different colour for each book and once everything is as we would like it we'll get down to some serious promotion.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Now 4th TeT eBook on Amazon and Smashwords: Conquer Anxiety and Bed-wetting
A fourth Technique has been added to Amazon and Smashwords: Conquer Anxiety and Bed-wetting. This technique is in the form of a short visualisation story called The Magic Garden designed for young students aged 7 to 12 to ease anxiety and tensions associated with school work, especially exams.
But tackling the young student's anxieties had secondary gains, the most important of which was curing bed-wetting, 99% of which is anxiety based. It also combats nightmares and even sleepwalking.
The Garden and it's 'big brother' The Study Relaxer can be downloaded for burning to a DVD on the Edinburgh Techniques website: www.edinburghtechniques.co.uk. The Teacher Relaxer, based on the Study Relaxer was added to the site in 2011.
A 5th Conqueror Compilation eBook is currently being prepared for Amazon and Smashwords
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
3 TeT eBooks now on Amazon
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Conquer Spelling doing well on Amazon
In less than a month Conquer Spelling has risen to No.11 in Amazon's Education best sellers list. It has since been joined on Amazon by Conquer Reading Out Loud and should see a third eBook in the Conquer series this week - Conquer Times Tables.
They are all published by North Highland and are shortened versions of the existing Edinburgh Techniques. They are also much cheaper. Not all of the Ed Tech Books will be published by North Highland but they can be bought from the Ed Tech's website e.g the Edinburgh Teaching Clock.
North Highland also has their eBooks on Smashwords and other eBook websites.
I'll keep you posted as the weeks roll on, but safe to say this is a good start.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
The Edinburgh Teaching Clock
I was asked last week about a Teaching Clock for an 8 year old and was delighted to point them in the direction of my very own Edinburgh Teaching Clock: http://edinburghtechniques.co.uk/
The Clock Face, plus the 10 East Steps are simplicity itself and can be downloaded from our website. The Face is attached to a normal Kitchen Clock and the young student learns the basics within 15 minutes and completely within 3 or 4 days at which point you can remove the Teaching Face from your clock.
Needless to say the aforementioned 8 year old can now tell the time. That's Wholebrain Learning for you.
Poor Reading Skills
I see there is more fear and alarm about the number of Primary Students entering High School with poor Reading Skills and often poor Basic Skills generally.
The current crop of CONQUER eBooks being published by North Highland Press in Amazon, Smashwords and other eBook sites cover these Basic Skills. Conquer Reading Out Loud allows students to lose the fear of being asked to read out in class by teaching them how to read.
Like all of the Conquer Techniques it's simplicity itself and is based on how we learned to speak. The reason deaf people can't speak properly is because they never get the chance to hear themselves read properly. Reading involves matching sounds to symbols (words). The brain lays down the pattern of how words/part of words sound but until the reader hears himself read properly patterns are not laid down.
The eBook explains it all simply and shows you how.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Bed Wetting and the Magic Garden
Nothing annoys me more than reading about the multitude of bells and whistles and rubber pants to combat bed wetting. As a former champion bed wetter myself.....I did say former.....I have first hand knowledge of the power of anxiety and the role it plays in bed wetting. As part of my post graduate Psychotherapy course I came across a technique called the Magic Garden which I adapted for my young clients with dyslexia and/or learning difficulties. Quickly realising the part anxiety plays in disrupting the learning process I adapted the Magic Garden for the under 12s and the Sound of Calm hypnosis technique (now The Study Relaxer) for the over 12s.
I soon had parents joyously telling me their son had stopped bedwetting since playing the Magic Garden (it's usually boys) and that all children with nightmares and even sleepwalking were improving rapidly as their anxiety was calmed.
So parents, if your child wets the bed, it's not because they have a 'weak bladder' nor is it because they 'drink too much late at night'. They are anxious and they need psychotherapeutic intervention or TIME to grow out of it if you prefer (I know which they would prefer). A week to 10 days of playing the Magic Garden story (15 minutes) will cure their bedwetting and vastly reduce their nightmares and any sleepwalking.
The site is: www.edinburghtechniques.co.uk
TeT eBooks now on Amazon and Smashwords
Smaller, sharper versions of the Edinburgh Techniques are being written as we speak, the first of which, CONQUER SPELLING, appeared on Amazon yesterday, March 13th and on Smashwords today, Wednesday 14th. Amazon is specialising in the Kindle market whereas Smashwords has the techniques in various forms.
The eBook differs not only in size but also is colourless and without pictures and jokes, it's more parent/teacher orientated whereas the original techniques are more child centred. The price is much cheaper too £2.58 and $2.99
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Hypnosis via Skype
I finished my work with my 14 year old from North Carolina on Feb 29th. I used the Study Relaxer Technique with him which he found was effortless. He was a very good subject and felt he definitely benefited from the technique. He'll now burn the technique he has already bought and downloaded from the Edinburgh Techniques' site onto a disc and play it whenever he has an exam or class tests or indeed if he ever has any unexpected upset.
As for me I can't wait to work with my next student via Skype.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Kids and Exercise
Just a quick word on an article I read today. It said we must get kids to exercise more. When I was a kid the idea of us having to exercise was a nonsense. We were never in. We ran about from morning till night.
But then we weren't ferried back and forwards to school or the mall or where ever before plonking ourselves in front of computer games or TV for the rest of the night.
Stop driving your kids everywhere, let them get the bus. Much more enjoyable for them with more chance of increasing their social skills and even understanding of themselves as they become more independent. In fact, isn't that our job? Making kids Independent of us?
Last week I had a 90 minute session with a young student and his mum from North Carolina. They had bought a couple of my techniques, the Internal Eyescan and Study Relaxer from the website and I was going through the techniques with them and doing a general counselling session with both.
Another session is planned for later this month. I must say I love the concept of being able to work with people thousands of miles away using a free medium like Skype, free if both parties have Skype that is.
This particular 14 year old is a typical right brain boy, very smart but very sensitive, doesn't take criticism too well because he has no idea of his real potential. But after 90 minutes talking to me and reading articles of mine on Intelligence he is beginning to understand that his problems are mechanical rather than intellectual.
This will have a tremendous affect on his confidence and self esteem which in turn will benefit his entire life especially academic life. No doubt more Skype work will follow as the year wears on.
I should add this young man is one of tens of thousands in America who are being home schooled (mainly in school groups in this case).
Thursday, 2 February 2012
The Edinburgh Techniques, first devised in the mid 80s to help dyslexics and slow learners are now being re-written for North Highland Publishing.
From 1986 till 1997 clients came to the Edinburgh Centre for Accelerated Learning in Merchiston or Hampshire. In 1997 the Techniques were written up for our new website: www.edinburghtechniques.co.uk
They were colourful and raucous, appealing more to the young students than their parents and teachers, but Kindle, for whom the updates are aimed are shorter and more to the point, also Kindle can't handle colour at this point. Major companies here and in America will be involved in the sale of the Techniques, the first of which, Conquer Spelling will be available soon.
Conquer Tables and the Reading Out Loud books should be completed by mid February. They will be followed by a book to sharpen Mental Arithmetic using patterns and a Relaxation Story for the under 12s to combat Exam Nerves and Tackle Bed-wetting, nightmares and sleepwalking.
As the weeks go on I'll be speaking about educational matters generally and the importance of Relaxation, Self Esteem and Confidence to Information Intake, storage and recall.
Feel free to leave comments and/or email me directly: brian@edinburghtechniques.co.uk
From 1986 till 1997 clients came to the Edinburgh Centre for Accelerated Learning in Merchiston or Hampshire. In 1997 the Techniques were written up for our new website: www.edinburghtechniques.co.uk
They were colourful and raucous, appealing more to the young students than their parents and teachers, but Kindle, for whom the updates are aimed are shorter and more to the point, also Kindle can't handle colour at this point. Major companies here and in America will be involved in the sale of the Techniques, the first of which, Conquer Spelling will be available soon.
Conquer Tables and the Reading Out Loud books should be completed by mid February. They will be followed by a book to sharpen Mental Arithmetic using patterns and a Relaxation Story for the under 12s to combat Exam Nerves and Tackle Bed-wetting, nightmares and sleepwalking.
As the weeks go on I'll be speaking about educational matters generally and the importance of Relaxation, Self Esteem and Confidence to Information Intake, storage and recall.
Feel free to leave comments and/or email me directly: brian@edinburghtechniques.co.uk
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